Sunday 15 April 2018

Nearly there .........

As promised, this morning the sun really did have its hat on - well, for a couple of hours at least.  After that, the mist started to roll in from the fields like a gothic victorian novel!  Truthfully we did then have patches of sunshine - but it needs to warm up a little more for me!   I had hoped, for example, to power wash the patio before taking the tables and chairs out - I think that soaking may have to wait until later on in the week when it promises to be a tad warmer!

So, what's a girl to do?  I mean, all of this tidying means that the house is in a reasonable state (just needed a hoover round) so I then sat down and made another toiletry bag for my craft fair stash.  I don't know if they will sell, but they are quick to make and will begin to fill the stall!

After a nice long long walk (still in my fleece at this point) with the dogs, I then set to making my tea towel bag.  You may recall that I fell in love with the wallpaper in a tea room that we visited whilst we were on the retreat - and bought a matching tea towel.  The design, by Emma Bridgwater, was of a kitchen dresser and in my favourite colourway of blue.  So, using plain blue from my stash for the lining, I cut the tea towel up (two long strap fronts from the sides and "in half" - well, to match the shelves anyway), backed with fusible wadding and made into a simple bag.  I kept the orange "Emma Bridgewater" label to both give credit to the designer and add a touch of "class" to this simple make.  I think that it's come out well - if I do say so.

With some waistcoat knitting, meal planning for the week ahead and church bill paying, I guess that you could say that it's another day completed.  So - why the blog title you ask?  Well, it could be because I can finally buy my Festival Of Quilts ticket tomorrow and book my workshops or it could be because a loss to 2 1/2lbs tomorrow afternoon would result in me gaining my 5 stone SW award (so it would be 5 1/2 stone altogether).  The 5 stone award was the first target that I set myself when I started - so fingers crossed that I need to set a second target.  I have been 100% on it this week so it should be in the bag - but you just never know!

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