Thursday 12 January 2017

Still waiting!

First back to last night - I went to the cinema and boy am I glad that I did!  The RSC live showings are usually excellent but this one (The Tempest) surpassed all.  The acting / story was both funny and touching and the language seemed to flow - I always think the mark of a good Shakespeare play is when you forget it was written 400 years ago and it seems everyday language.  However this production was even more special since they had teamed up with INTEL and a company specialising in motion capture.  We are used to seeing this technique on films - think Gollum - but this was a live actor doing it every night, 8 days a week.  it was amazing!  What about my cold?  Well I sat on a row of 3 seats well away from everyone else - with tissues, cough pastilles and water to hand.  Yes I coughed and spluttered throughout but I tried not to disrupt it for everyone else.  The play must have been good - I stayed to the end!

So - onto today and, sadly, its more of the same - coughing and spluttering with feet up on the sofa.  I did pop out to the nurse in the afternoon but have cancelled my outing to the panto tonight at the local theatre.  It was one step too far!

So, my feet up has meant that I was able to finish Terry's embroidery,

and I was even able to sew a few squares from my Tuesday night class so all was not lost!  I just wish this cold would go away! I am running out of tissues!!

Mind you I did manage to spend some money on fabric and two workshops -  without leaving the house - but that was all (well, mainly) Sewingbuddy's fault so we will leave it there!

As for the snow - no sign but now we are being warned of a tidal surge and to listen to Radio Lincolnshire tomorrow morning at 6:30am when the surge is expected.  I think not!  However I may just pack an overnight bag in case!


  1. We are still waiting too!
    Boo hoo to the cold hanging around, but sounds like it was worth making the effort to go out in the end

  2. Why do I get the blame, ?
    Yes still waiting for the snow saying 6-7 tomorrow morning now heavy snow, great just when I will be driving to work.
    Sounds like you could need a boat, or an ark?

  3. Just a thought maybe best sleep in the guest bedroom tonight, oh! And take your machine with you, keep it dry.

    1. and leave the dogs to swim? Nah - the water would have to get across 2 miles of open farm land before it reaches me. Im not saying that it could never happen but even back in the great flood of 1953 it only came close. I am signed up to flood watch and will hear the sirens if theres a problem.
