Monday 19 December 2016

A day at home

Now, before I write today's blog there's something that you need to understand - my family, or some of them, are just plain weird ( and yes, I include myself in that group!). Instead of just worrying about what present to buy, we overload the stress factor by throwing in some conditions.  This year we are giving presents with red in them ( that could be the colour red or something wrapped in red or something with the letters red in order ).  In addition we have all picked a name out of hat to make a personalised cracker for them.

So- against that background - onto today.  I woke up at a reasonable time, turned the radio on and found Michael Ball being a guest on Chris Evan's show - cue a lie in!  Once up, washed, dressed and breakfasted I was then given a challenge - complete this 42 piece jigsaw in 15 mins.   No problem I thought - 30 mins later I finished it!!

Next step was to wrap some red presents - there was a lot!! - before enjoying some of Dad's delicious soup ( after last night's apprentice we are thinking of rebranding it as "Deliciously decadent by David"!) and then walking the dogs in this murky weather!

This afternoon was spent doing something for mum - why is she so good at saying " could you just make ........?" The item needed wadding so I started by sewing together some remnants with a zigzag stitch - waste not want not!

Tonight is more hand sewing - what else?  Now that Dad has sorted an angle poise lamp for me I can actually see what I am doing! More than that I might actually finish the "A quilter lives here" panel - it's only taken me a couple of years!!


  1. ...and might I add....we might be a tincy bit disappointed if anyone has resorted to simply wrapping things in red...we have come to expect better!
    (why oh why do we do it???)
